Adult pouring a clear jar of off white colored multi vitamins into hand
Are multivitamins the antagonist to your health goals?

When waking up in the morning, it has been routine to start the day with a glass or water and a multivitamin to help get the morning going. I myself take a One A Day Energy Multivitamin. I tend to go with a more trusted brand as recommend by Dr. Mehmet Oz in an old video I ran across years back.

When I heard the new claims about multivitamins, I couldn’t help but to take the matter personally.

What exactly are multivitamins?:  Multivitamins are a commonly used dietary supplement which contains a combination of vitamins and nutritional substances such as vitamins A, B, C, E, riboflavin, biotin, iodine and much more. Many individuals take multivitamins to supplement the lack of nutrients that are normally obtained from plant foods in a well balanced diet. Recent studies have made broad claims that multivitamins may actually increase the risk of serious health conditions such as cancer and may reduce the life span of average humans. These studies were very broad and lacking insufficient evidence, one should not jump to immediate conclusions of risks of taking multivitamins without further research.

The credible truth behind multivitamins: More recent studies by health experts at such research facilities as Brigham and Harvard Medical School have otherwise deemed these extravagant claims as false. These most recent studies were tested using a pool of over 15,000 individuals who ranged from younger ages to age 50. The results of these studies concluded that in fact multivitamins do help prevent prostate cancer in males, do not increase the death risk in women and certainly supplement the daily needed amount of vitamins and nutrients that the average individual lacks in their diet.

The benefits of taking multivitamins: Multivitamin supplements are the right choice for individuals who do not take the necessary steps to obtain the nutrients vital for your health. The major benefits of taking a daily multivitamin include:

Reduction of stress: A large amount of humans live a stressful life and do not take the time to incorporate the necessary steps to maintain optimal health. It has been proven that supplementing vital nutrients into your daily diet does help to improve stress levels.

Prevent nutrient deficiency: The human body needs over 12 essential vitamins. Having vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and a B complex supplemented into your regular diet is necessary to maintain optimal health and for you body to function properly.

Helps to promote immune and body health in vegans: Many vegans maintain a diet which consists of only an animal free diet. A large amount of necessary nutrients are only find in animal meats and must be supplemented into a vegan diet to prevent creating a nutrient deficiency.

What is Life Extension Mix: One of the most popular multivitamin supplements on the market is Life Extension Mix Multivitamin. Life Extension is the leading name when it comes to quality in the nutritional supplements industry. Life Extension has engineered a multivitamin which contains nearly every vital nutrient for maintaining optimal health. Such nutrients contained in Life Extension Mix include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Niacin, Calcium, Sesame Seed and Milk Thistle.

ABB complexCCalciumDD3EFish oilKLife extensionLife extentionMilk thistleMulti vitaminsMultivitaminsNiacinSesame seedTrending newsVitamin aVitamin bVitamin b complexVitamin cVitamin dVitamin d3Vitamin eVitamin kVitamins