Julie Wendt, MS, CNS, LDN | Jan 18, 2021
How to Reset Your Mind and Find Stillness
How are those resolutions going? Around here we are having mixed results as the energizing hope of the new year fade from focus and we realize that making change is a lot harder than it sounds. If that's happening in your world, you are in good company. Part of our goal in how we support your health and wellbeing this month is to help you do change differently. We can ditch the all-or-none mentality where we either go big or go home and replace it with a more sustainable approach centered around self-awareness and the reality of where we currently find ourselves. To really understand at a deep level what the best change is in the moment given our deepest hopes, we need to do the opposite of going all-in, we need to be still and listen.
Finding time for regular rejuvenation not only makes our bodies work better but also lets us step back and assess how things are going. Getting some rest and relaxation opens new pathways in our brains that help us see the same things in our lives, differently. We gain an invaluable perspective that helps us be more efficient and effective and this is critical when we are making changes. We need to reflect on what is going well, what is not, and what some viable solutions may be. Now might be a good time to take a pause, turn off the electronics and tune into what is going on inside as a way to illuminate your path forward.